Cornerstone’s Investment Documents

On this page we have uploaded a range of our documents to provide more information to potential funders and key partners.

If you want to hear what makes us tick and why it is that we are doing what we are doing then watch the video at the bottom of the page where we share how God has placed this vision on our heart.

We recommend that you start by reading through our PITCH DECK which gives an overview of the business and our vision. There is a lot of information on this page and we don’t expect you to read it all but we want to have the documents available for our funders if they want to take a deeper dive.

Ultimately we want to speak to you! If you have any questions or want to explore how you could partner with Cornerstone or open a conversation on what investment opportunities there are we would love to set up a Zoom Call - please drop me an email on the address below or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Daniel Jackson (Founder & MD)

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Explaining Cornerstone’s Suite of Documents

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Starting with the bottom we have Cornerstone’s Spiritual Foundations document – this summarises ‘the why’ behind what Cornerstone does as well as detailing how the Spiritual Foundations are lived out.

To use the iceberg analogy the Spiritual Foundations are ‘below the water’. They are significant and sizable but aren’t immediately visible to everyone but they are what everything else is built on.

‘Above the water’ is our Purpose Driven Business Plan this document highlights Cornerstone’s Business Plan whilst also formally highlighting how we go about being a purpose-driven business getting into the specifics of the areas that have been identified and how we go about making our ambitions a reality

Coming out of the Purpose Driven Business Plan are two key documents that capture our vision on specific areas that are important to us.

1.       Our Pitch which is entitled Investing in the Future of Northern Ireland: Bringing Light to Dark Corners – this PowerPoint Style document is designed to share the vision and heart behind Cornerstone’s commitment to Regeneration and Belfast.

2.       Our Community Life Information Document – Community Life is Cornerstone’s flagship community model – this document goes into detail of how we do it and how we measure its success .

Finally, we have a range of Project Specific Documents – these include Project Appraisals and Deal Summaries.




We have prepared detailed information for two of our current projects which can be viewed below.


Our Spiritual Foundations document explains our spiritual motivations and how we go about bringing them to life and the Video is a more informal conversation where you can hear the personal story behind Cornerstone.

Building for Tomorrow Video

This Video is a high level overview of our Pitch Document - but as it is a video we think it captures our heart and passion for what we do as well as giving you a glimpse of parts of the city that are important to us.